Monday, May 07, 2007

Mt. Kuju 1780m (YouTube)

The first week in May is called Golden week. It is a Holiday for the whole country of Japan. We were asked to go a climb a mountain with some people from church. There was no way that Nick could turn down the opportunity to climb in the mountains. We had a great time leaving right after church on Sunday and climbing on Monday. We spent the night in a bungalow which is a one room cabin with a tatami mat to sleep on. We also got to have our first "onsen" experience. We grilled out and sat around till late in the night talking and getting to know everyone. All of the wives are members of the church but non of the husbands are so this was a great opportunity for Nick to meet and get to know the men. The language barrier seemed to get smaller the longer we talked. The group was made up of Mr. and Mrs. Mitani, Mr and Mrs Yoshitaki, Mrs. Koga and her daughter Nan-chan, and Angie and I. We had a great time laughing and encouraging each other up the mountain and back down. After a good climb there is nothing like a soak in another onsen!

FYI: Natural hot springs (onsen) are very popular in Japan. There are many types of hot springs, distinguished by the minerals dissolved in the water. Different minerals have different health benefits. They also come in different varieties; indoors, outdoors, gender separated, and gender mixed.

How To Take Onsen Bath?
· Japanese onsen are enjoyed naked. Swimming suits are not allowed. However, it is custom to bring a small towel into the bathing area while you are out of the water. Once you enter the bath, keep the towel out of the water.
· Before entering the bath, rinse your body with the water bowl that is provided. Some onsens allow you to take a full shower before entering water. Enter the bath and soak for a while.
· After finished soaking, don’t rinse with tap water for the minerals to have full effect on body.

On our camping trip we were able to experience our very first onsen! Yes, we were nervous! Yes, it was gender separated! Yes, we survived and even enjoyed it!