Thanksgiving....a little late!
Like everyone else, Christmas season has snuck up on us! We've been so busy with preparations for Christmas that I forgot to post anything about Thanksgiving. Celebrating American Holidays is a bit strange in a foreign country. Most of the holidays fall on typical working days and so our celebrations are usually held on whatever day fits into our schedules. Thank goodness we have other Americans around us that we can get together with.
Our Thanksgiving crew consisted of (left to right) our good friends (Marla, Rocky, and their daughter Hana). Marla and Rocky spread the gospel through their music ministry and about a dozen other venues. Marla's cousin (Robyn), beside Angie on the first row, has been looking for a job here. She will be moving to Japan this spring. Our friends (Anne, Riz, and their children Mia and Abby). Anne and Riz live and work in Japan teaching English at a local university. (Dan, Yukiko, and their little one George). Dan met his Japanese wife in the states and and they've been living in Japan for the past few years. The guy standing in the back is a foreign exchange student from the states. Although we don't know him well, all the foreigners seem to stick together and if you speak English then we've got something in common! I think we celebrated Thanksgiving on a Monday. We cooked as much traditional food as we could find ingredients for. Including a turkey that we bought at Costco. Nick and I cooked the turkey and did a fantastic job if I do say so myself! Mostly we fellowshiped together, played games, and watched a movie. The only thing that was missing,that probably makes or breaks the Holiday for some of you, was American football. Oh, well we'll have it again soon enough!After Thanksgiving came out the Christmas tree! We actually have one this year because the Gateleys are in the states. So, we just borrowed theirs. It wasn't quite the same "Christmas feeling" last year when we didn't have one. We just stacked our gifts on top of our TV. So, I'm quite thankful for one this year. I'll send out some pictures of our Holiday events in our newsletter later this month. Until then, here are a few events that you can be praying for:Dec.16-Nakatsu English Christmas PartyDec. 19-Cafe Children's English Christmas Party and Cafe Christmas Live Music NightDec. 21-Christmas Worship Service and PotluckDec. 23-Candlelight Service at Kitakyushu ChurchPRAY that many people are attracted to these events and are touched by the word of God!
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